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Tuition, Fees, and Payment Policies

Registration Fees (Non-refundable)

  • Illinois: $40.00/child

  • Missouri: $50.00/child

Deposit Fee

Deposit fees are required for each child attending the center, equivalent to one week’s tuition payment as an enrollment charge. This fee will be put towards your child(ren)’s first week of tuition. If a child is scheduled to attend 5 days per week, deposit fees need to be paid for a full week of attendance whether the child(ren) attend all 5 days on their first week or not. If attendance does not take place on Monday or until the middle of a child(ren)’s first week of enrollment, the deposit fee will not be reimbursed for any missed days during this complication on the family’s end. In addition, if part-time enrollment is requested, parents will need to pay for the anticipated number of days that their child(ren) will attend on their first week. If plans change, and a lesser number of days is needed upon day 1 of attendance, the deposit fee previously paid will not be reimbursed. If days are added, an additional amount will need to be added to the deposit fee.

Payment for contracted days will be required regardless of actual attendance for both IL and MO centers.

Daily Tuition Rates - Illinois

A registration fee, which is non-refundable, of $40.00 will be required for each child attending Lily Pad Learning Center at the time of enrollment or if previously withdrawing from the center and re-enrolling.

Deposit and registration fees will not be returned should a family decide to not utilize Lily Pad after placing their child(ren)’s name(s) on the waiting list and paying the necessary fees to do so.


  • Infants to 23 months (toddlers): $55/day

  • 2 & 3 year olds: $50/day

  • 4-5 year olds (Preschool): $45/day

  • School Aged:

    • $21 for before school, $27 for after school

    • $35 for both before and after school care/day

    • $40 without lunch-early dismissals

    • $45 with lunch and all-day care-early dismissals

    • $52 Drop-In Days

Any dismissals, teacher institutes, emergency dismissals (any dismissal before 3pm will require an extra fee listed above), or days when the school district is closed but Lily Pad is not (ex: cold days, emergency school closings, etc.).

Times for before and after school care are: 6:30am-7:50am and 3:00pm-5:30pm with breakfast included. After school care includes a snack and milk/juice.

Summer Camp Tuition Schedule

  • Summer Camp (1st-5th grade or through 12 years of age): $180/week or $45/day

Daily Tuition Rates - Missouri

A registration fee, which is non-refundable, of $50.00 will be required for each child attending Lily Pad Learning Center at the time of enrollment or if previously withdrawing from the center and re-enrolling.

Deposit and registration fees will not be returned should a family decide to not utilize Lily Pad after placing their child(ren)’s name(s) on the waiting list and paying the necessary fees to do so.


  • Infants to 23 months (toddlers): $58/day

  • 2 & 3 year olds: $53/day

  • 4-5 year olds (Preschool): $43/day

  • School Aged:

    • $21 per day for before or after school

    • $25 per day for both before and after school

    • $30 without lunch-early dismissals

    • $35 with lunch and all day care-early dismissals

    • $45 Drop-In Days

Any dismissals, teacher institutes, emergency dismissals (any dismissal before 3pm will require an extra fee listed above), or days when the school district is closed but Lily Pad is not (ex: cold days, emergency school closings, etc.).

Times for before and after school care are: 6:30am-7:50am and 3:30pm-5:30pm with breakfast included. After school care includes a snack and milk/juice.

Summer Camp Tuition Schedule

  • Summer Camp (Kindergarten-5th grade): $140/week or $35/day

Activity Fees:

  • $100 one-time fee (4-5 days/week attendance)

  • $75 one-time fee (2-3 days/week attendance)

One week's tuition, plus activity fee, is required for summer camp registration and spot holding. Activity fees are a one-time fee for the entire summer whether the entire summer is attended or not (if only one month of the summer is attended, the full activity fee is still required on day 1 of attendance). The activity fee is non-refundable. A refund will not be issued for unenrollment, missed attendance, or canceled field trips. Summer Camp tuition and activity fees include purchases for items such as: craft supplies, additional snacks, water play equipment, field trips, etc.

(IL & MO-Lily Pad Learning Center reserves the right to make any changes necessary to tuition at any time.)


NO EXCEPTIONS - Payments are made at drop-off on FRIDAY (OR THE LAST DAY OF ATTENDANCE THAT EACH CHILD IS PRESENT AT THE CENTER EACH WEEK), before the following week’s first day of attendance. If child(ren) are absent on the last day of the week that they attend, arrangements need made for payment to be received before Friday at 5:30pm of the CURRENT week. Payments can be made online or over the phone with a credit or debit card. Payments are made whether the child is in attendance for the day or not. Cash and check payments are to be placed in the drop box.

An invoice or bill will not be provided to parents on a regular basis (parents will receive a summary invoice at the end of the current calendar year but a receipt or an up-to-date summary invoice can be asked for at any time). LPLC will take payments in the form of a check, cash, debit/credit card, or automatic payment (if paying with cash, please have the exact weekly amount deposited in the drop box at the end of each week, we do not have change for cash). Checks can be made to “Lily Pad Learning Center”. All payments can be placed in the payment box. A $35.00 fee will be charged to accounts for returned checks. If a second check is returned, tuition will need to be set up on an automatic payment schedule or paid in cash each week.

LATE FEES will be added to your bill after a weekly payment has not been made. Late fees start at $25.00/day. LPLC may terminate care if payments get backed up so heavily that payment is unable to be made or in repeat late payment situations (late payments made 2 weeks within a month’s timeframe). If a parent/guardian refuses to pay the full weekly tuition amount within 5 weekdays, care may be terminated. Children will not be allowed to attend daycare until tuition is paid. Delinquent accounts will be sent to the collection agency if children don’t return to the center and the family is left with an unpaid balance. Weekly tuition does not include fees for field trips and/or extra-curricular activities.

Adding Care

Part-time children are welcome to attend on non-scheduled days if space and ratio numbers allow. Payment will need to be given to a director for this additional day of care at the time of DROP-OFF. Care cannot be given if payment is not received upon arrival. Parents will need to contact the center to inquire if space is available.

State Aid


Families that request to utilize Community Connection Point (CCP), Illinois’s state aid assistance service, will need to request an application from them by calling: 217-525-2805 or by going on their website at: The Illinois application has two parts, one for the parents to fill out and one for the center to fill out. After completion of your portion, give the application to a director so we can complete ours. Parents are responsible for mailing the application, along with the additional requested information needed, which is stated on the application. Parents are responsible for paying the co-pay amount that the state assigns them on the 1st of every month.


Families wanting to utilize the Missouri state assistance services, will visit the DESE Care Subsidy Parent Portal Parents must use the parent portal to create an account and register. Families must fill out requested information and upload documentation to the site and submit. Parents are responsible for paying the sliding and co-pay fee (MO) that the state assigns them every week. They are also responsible for signing their child(ren) in and out each day of attendance or will be required to pay $1 per day fee. Signing in and out IS REQUIRED by the state in order to receive this service.

Late Fees

LATE FEES will be added to your bill after a weekly or monthly payment has not been made. Late fees start at $25.00/day. LPLC may terminate care if payments get backed up so heavily that payment is unable to be made or in repeat late payment situations (late payments made 2 weeks within a month’s timeframe). All parents are also required to sign a release form that will go in their child(ren)’s folder stating that they would become responsible for tuition payments should the state of Illinois or Missouri ever stop making payments to daycare providers or their child(ren)’s spot(s) at Lily Pad Learning Center will be terminated.

Click here to download a pdf document of Lily Pad Learning Center LLC Tuition, Fees, and Payment Policies


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